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Carl is rooted in active listening and responsive leadership. He believes in creating a platform where every voice is heard and every concern is addressed. Carl’s commitment to transparency and dialogue is the driving force behind his policy-making and community outreach. Carl believes in creating a campaign that truly represents the values and needs of Virginia's 7th District. Below are a few questions from fellow constituents and please reach out below with any questions, conversations, and thought starters of your own.

What can be done through the Federal Government to support special education funding?


Short Answer: Fully fund IDEA and the IDEA could and should be amended to distribute funds more equally to the states based on the number of special education students in the state so that every state receives the same amount per special needs student. Background: The Individuals with Disability Education Act authorized federal funding for up to 40% of average per-pupil spending nationwide to pay a portion of what it costs to provide special education services for students with disabilities. Funding in FY 2023 was approximately 12 percent. Further, the calculation of how that amount is broken down by state is flawed – it generates substantial differences among states in the amount of federal funding available to pay for a child’s special education services, and these differences have grown over time. In 2023, Virginia received an average of $2,183 per child receiving special education. That represents a $1,350 difference between the state receiving the most per child (Wyoming, $3,537). Solution: The IDEA Act needs to be more fully funded with a path to full funding. The distribution method should be modified so that the calculation of funding amounts more equally distributes federal funds to the states based on number of individuals in need of special education.

What is your plan for energy and vehicles. Are you in support of getting rid of fossil fuels and switching to solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric? Also do you support more electric vehicles and use of alternative fuels such as biodiesel?


Climate change poses an imminent threat to our economy, our environment, our water and food supply, and our national security. We have a narrow window to act decisively, and I believe we can seize this opportunity to not only combat climate change, but also drive economic growth and spur innovation. By prioritizing renewable energy over fossil fuels, curbing methane and carbon emissions, and investing in cutting-edge technologies domestically, we can position America as a global leader in clean energy.

What can be done through the Federal Government to help our broadband issues in my rural area?


Our Nation's infrastructure is in dire need of attention, with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) rating U.S infrastructure at a concerning 'C-'. In Virginia, our infrastructure received a 'C' rating in 2022, ranking the Commonwealth 38th overall in the nation. To propel Virginia's economy forward, we must prioritize robust and sustainable infrastructure investments. This entails enhancing broadband access, expanding transportation networks, and supporting industry workforce initiatives to fuel long-term economic growth. The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act presents a crucial opportunity to tackle our infrastructure challenges, create jobs, and enhance transportation, water, electricity, connectivity, and aviation infrastructure. As your representative, I am committed to championing the implementation of the IJJA and advocating for sustained infrastructure investment, ensuring Virginia's prosperity and competitiveness in the 21st century economy.

What are your thoughts on our foreign policy and your approach to National Defense?


America must continue to serve as a beacon of liberty and global leadership, advancing peace, security, and prosperity worldwide. This entails cultivating and nurturing strategic alliances with like-minded nations, employing a comprehensive approach across diplomacy, foreign aid, intelligence, and economic strategies. We must lead global intelligence efforts, strengthening partnerships to address emerging threats and combat the spread of weapons of mass destruction while fortifying our national infrastructure. Upholding democratic principles is paramount, safeguarding elections and protecting against threats to our safety, privacy, and prosperity, including cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns. We have a moral obligation and a national security imperative to safeguard our nation and the world. Central to our mission is the modernization of our military, a vital step that entails prioritizing investments in cutting-edge technology while streamlining outdated programs and unnecessary expenditures. We must ensure our courageous servicemen and women receive the training, equipment, and unwavering support they need during deployments and the care they rightfully deserve upon returning home.

What can be done through the Federal Government to help reduce the rising costs of healthcare?


The high cost of healthcare has become a financial burden for Americans, with many putting off medical care they or a family member need because of the cost. Today, medical debt has become the most common form of debt on consumer credit records. The skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs further compounds the issue: Americans pay the highest prescription drug prices of any developed nation. Today, one in four Americans who take prescription drugs struggle to afford them. Healthcare costs are high, and not only for patients — many rural hospitals are also facing financial strains. More than 600 rural U.S. hospitals are at risk of closing due to their financial instability, including eight rural hospitals in Virginia. These closures would limit access to care, exacerbate healthcare disparities, and discourage new residents, employers, and workers from settling in rural communities due to insufficient healthcare services. As your representative, I will support policy and legislation that expands healthcare coverage and reins in costs so that people can afford to stay healthy without going into debt. I will fight to lower the cost of prescription drugs and advocate for greater transparency and accountability around prescription drug pricing. I will work to develop and fund bipartisan solutions to ensure our rural communities have access to equitable, affordable, high quality health.

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